Control Systems

Freely-programmable control systems The freely programmable control systems by the AMiT company are suitable for all applications of the so-called small and medium automation particularly in the field of building automation, technological complex [...]


AMR-CP24 – Communication unit The freely-programmable AMR-CP24 communication unit can be used as a communication hub or as a programmable controller with remote inputs/outputs. The communication interfaces of the unit are 2× Ethernet (switch [...]

Programmable Controllers

Programmable Controllers AMREG for HVAC A new generation of freely programmable controllers (PLC) for HVAC and building automation. All AMREG series controllers are freely programmable and give the user the ability to create their own control algorithms, [...]


AMR-CU70B, AMR-CU71B – Control unit with a display AMR-CU70B (or AMR-CU71B) is a freely programmable controller which comes in the very same design as AMiT’s AMR-OP70 on-wall controllers series. However, unlike them, it features 2 extra RTD inputs [...]