
AMiT in the Christmas period

Dear Customers and Business Associates, the last day of goods expedition in this year is Friday, 22.12.2017. Due to stock-taking, the expedition of goods will resume on Monday, 8.1. 2018. From  27.12. to 29.12.2017, the company operation will be limited, [...]

ACOS200 – A cool new compact

A little different from our previous control systems. We have use a new powerful processor core that you may know e.g. from the graphic terminal AMR-OP87. That tells us that ACOS200 is programmed in DetStudio/EsiDet. The system offers a total of 88 inputs [...]

Price list X/2017

Changes: price change for AMR-FCT10/01 new items listed: ACOS200 (data sheet coming soon), industrial PC APT4000 series, AMR-CP22, AMR-CP26, AMR-CU71B AMR-OP10/90 moved to HMI section discounts can be set in the price list to show your purchase prices for [...]

AMR-CP2x with GSM module

The AMR-CP2x communication unit, frequently used as a communication gateway in the wireless system Poseidon 868 MHz, is now available also in a variant featuring a GSM modem. At the moment, it only supports transmission and reception of SMS. TheAMR-CP2x [...]

DetStudio ver.

Overview of changes – Ver. IDE: New note editor EsiDet: New product support: AMR-CP4x series, AMR-IRC20, AMR-CU7x series, AMR-OP4x series New debugging inspector New objects: Boiler, Cascon, Interpol, Syncmark, Astro, ArchiveSD, UserComAscii, [...]

AWDet ver. 1.10.0

Release Notes – Version 1.10.0 Support of serial/Ethernet interface for AMREG series Remote device import feature for AMREG series Support of AMR-OP84 devices Support of ArcView and LineGraph objects for AMREG series Support of string variables [...]