Production discontinued

Overview of discontinued products Products stated on this page have been removed from standard production. The Download section features complete documentation to all of these previous products. If you have not found the documents on your required [...]


ACOS200 – Efficient compact control system This efficient control system that comes in a robust mechanical design similar to systems AMiRiS99 and AMAP99 offers 88 inputs/outputs. The system also provides extensive communication options – [...]

Connecting cables

Connecting cables for communication In order to connect various peripheries (terminals, modems, communication converters) to control systems, we need to use a proper cable type.  Catalogue sheets of control systems and peripheries always state recommended [...]


Accessories to control systems and peripheries As a producer of our own control systems, we also offer various components and parts of our products that may get lost or damaged when in use (connectors, knobs, plastic parts, screws, backup batteries, [...]

SVG Elements

Graphic elements in the SVG format Graphic elements serving to create technology images in the SVG format for utilization mainly in the LookDet supervisory system. However, they are also perfectly suitable for creating technology images saved in formats [...]

AM plug-in modules

AM-xx plug-in modules for control systems The AM-xx series of plug-in modules extends analogue outputs and communication lines of compact control systems such as AMAP99W3 and AMiRiS99W3. They plug into slots accessible after dismounting the back cover of [...]


AMAP99W3 – Compact control system It has the same design and structure as AMiRiS99W3. The AMAP99W3 control system was specially designed for controlling small to medium-sized autonomous systems for thermal units control mainly in the field of [...]


AMiRiS99W3 – Compact Control System Compact all-metal control system designed for smaller applications for measurement and regulation. Its computing abilities exceed standard PLC level. Thanks to extensive program modules library with a number of [...]

Price List

Current AMiT pricelist Please contact us at  

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