Venue: TATRA TRUCKS a.s., Kopřivnice
- Country: Czech Republic
- Years: 2016 – 2017
- Segment: building automation, industrial
- Implementation partner: TZB Orlová s.r.o.
Due to terminated supply of steam to the manufacturing facility, all 13 AHUs were replaced with gas-based air handling units including waste heat recovery; the replacement took place during full production.
The removal of roof air-ducts even involved a helicopter.
Remote access and supervision are ensured by the SCADA system from PROMOTIC. Energy data is connected via Ethernet to the facility-wide IS ENERGIS.
Affected technology:
13 gas-based AHUs for heating and ventilation of paint-shop spray booths and drying rooms
Utilised components:
10× AMiNi4DW2, 17× DM-xx