Venue: Gdów
- Country: Poland
- Year: 2019
- Segment: building automation, industrial
- Implementation partner: Combo-Tech, Poland
INSTBUD is located in Gdów, Poland. The company is specialising in the construction industry. The company has been expanded to include In-Liner, which creates fibreglass sleeves. INSTBUD company deals with the creation of sleeves with fibreglass.
AMiT’s equipment is used as a BMS system that manages the production hall. The BMS is based on the LookDet supervisory system.
The user controls air handling units, boilers, pumps, fans, heaters, temperature and lighting. In addition, the system administrator can manage the exception calendar and the object work schedule. The system monitors temperature values, controls the object, analysers and machines. Additionally, it manages and indicates alarms. The system user also has the option of viewing value trends. These activities are implemented using AMiT controllers and the LookDet system.
Utilised components: AMR-CP24/01, AMiRiS99S, LookDet