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Rotate animation

With this type of animation, you can rotate an object around the set axis, according to a percentage of maximum and minimum values ranging from 0 to 360 degrees (defined by the Range parameter).

Enter the tag name and the minimum tag value, which correlates to the 0th degree, and then enter the maximum tag value, which correlates to the 360th degree.

By default, the axis of rotation is set in the geometric center of an object or a group. You can change the rotation axis by double-clicking on the object and setting its axis, which is marked as a blue dot. Move the selected point to the desired position, as shown in the picture below:


Go to the Rotate section of the Anim tab in the Properties window and fill in the Tag (Address), Minimum, and Maximum values.


Set Center property can be set to:

  • Clear Center – clears the custom rotation center and sets to the default (geometrical) center
  • Cancel – closes the menu without any changes


Center Offset X (Y) shows the difference between the custom and geometric rotation center.

Center X (Y) shows the absolute coordinates of the selected rotation center.

Range property defines the total revolution angle, which is 360 degrees by default.