- Refresh – Is the time how fast is your device being check.
- Direction – If you want to count UP or Down.
- Type – This means if you want to get counted replacement time by pulses or by a time.
- Trigger tag – Is the tag which will start whole countdown for running hours (you can select maximum and minimum for triggering count down).
- Name – You can specify name of part, so once your employees will get alarm they will exactly know which part needs to be repaired or replaced.
- Count – Maximum value.
- Warning – Warning is first alarms which you will get.
- Limit – Is limit for warning.
- Message – Is message which will be displayed after limit is reached.
- CAS Alarm – You can edit alarm which will be automatically created after marking warning as wanted.
- Error
- Limit – Is limit for error.
- Message – Is message which will be displayed after limit is reached.
- CAS Alarm – You can edit alarm which will be automatically created after marking error as wanted.
After creating running hour you can will find new tab in Server Side scripts „RunningHours_Name“
Which includes 5 variables:
- Count – Maximum count
- LimitW – Warning
- LimitE – Error
- Expected timeW – Expected time for warning
- Expected timeE – Expected time for error
These tags can’t be edited or renamed to prevent any possible issues that could be cause by accidentally changing these tags, but these tags can be used inside server side scripts for additional functions.
First we will start with creating running hours.
Then we will define what tag will start time, refresh time, direction – if we want to count down or count up.
If we want to count up or down pulses or time.
And then we will just simply name each part let’s say as example we have drill tip which needs to be replaced after one minute and after 1 minute we want to be warned that we are in half lifetime of the component.
And after 2 minutes we want to get error message.
These two options can be allowed or not, you can put there a custom message etc…
As mentioned before, in Script variables tables there were created new script variable table which include all the information which we have set up in running hours tab, that’s how we can also track time in runtime.
I have also created in view 3 components – displays, one of them displays count the other one displays Limit for Warning which is 60 seconds – 1 minute. Second display displays limit for Error which is set for 120 seconds – 2 minutes
Once I will press the button which is toggle for tag H:1 whole process will start.
Count itself will go up since that’s count how much time is machine running since tag trigger. Then we should get alarmed in CAS alarms first for warning then for error once counter reaches values which we have set.