✵ Recipes – Check changes with device

If you have recipes inside your project users can change them or add recipes inside HMI.
Then in order to apply these recipe changes from HMI to project, you can simply check the recipes with the device first or during the download of project you will be alerted that recipes that are stored inside the device are different from what is stored in the project and inside that dialogue, you can decide what to do with the recipes that are different if you want to keep recipes which were stored inside device or recipes which have been stored inside the project. Or you can select one by one.

As you can see on the screenshot recipes are same inside device and inside project.

Now I will make a change inside the web recipe and save it.

Now, you can either use „check with device“ button which will open dialogue where you will select the device with which you want to check recipes.

Once you select device it will open up a new dialogue where you can see all the recipes from the device the recipes which differ from what’s inside of the device will be bold as you can see on screenshot.

Now as you can see there are signs „=“ and „<<“ which when you click on will change depending on these signs will be recipes keep as they are inside project or they will change accordingly to value which has been set inside recipes in HMI.


Now we have selected to apply changes to the recipe that was made inside HMI we click to save the result and as you can see now recipe has changed accordingly to the value that we have edited inside web.



In the case you wouldn’t check with the device first myDESIGNER will check automatically if the project ID is same as the ID that’s inside myDESIGNER and alert you if the recipes are NOT same inside the device. And let you make the same decisions as we have shown now.