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Copying and pasting elements

Paste to Same Location #

This function is used for pasting objects being copied to the same location on the canvas; this is best utilized to specify more parameters for one visible object, such as a button.

Begin by creating an object and click on Edit -> Copy. Now paste the object being copied by clicking on Edit -> Paste to same location (you can also right-click on the object and select this function). This operation can be repeated as many times as you need.

  • Note: You can verify that an object has been pasted successfully by moving it aside and then moving back by clicking on Edit -> Undo.

Paste Dimensions #

This feature allows you to paste specific dimensions of currently selected objects. Select an object whose dimensions you want to copy. Then select the object to which you want to apply the dimensions by clicking on Edit –> Paste dimensions.

Paste size this function will paste all dimensions


Paste widththis function will paste only the width of an object


Paste height this function will paste only the height of an object


When the function Past dimensions is being applied to multiple selected objects, the dimensions are transferred to the selection bounding box and the space around the objects is accordingly scaled.


Paste size separately

This function allows you to apply dimension to multiple objects at one time. In the following example, we will copy the square on the left and then resize the rectangles:

1. Create multiple objects and then copy the size of the object you want to apply to the remaining objects.


2. Select the remaining objects.


3. Open the Edit menu and select Paste dimensions – Paste size separately (you can also right-click on the object and select this function). All objects are now the same size.


Paste width separately

This function allows you to change the width of multiple objects at once, as described in the previous example.

Paste height separately

This function allows you to change the height of multiple objects at once, as described in the previous example.