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Moving animation

This animation is a programmed motion of an object moving along a defined path or XY axis, based on the tag value.

Moving along the path #

1. Create an object and a path to move this object along. To add the Move animation, select the object and click on the Active button in the Move animation tab of the Properties window, as indicated in the picture below:


2. Fill the tag address in the dialog window and select one of the available paths.The other available features are:

Visible – move path remains visible if this option is enabled

Length – represents the length of a selected path; it is displayed automatically

Absolute – this option tells the mySCADA engine to map the whole path length for the Move animation up to the tag value of 1:1

Relative Positioning  –  this option allows using only a certain tag value threshold. The Min value represents the starting animation point (the object moves only when the tag value reaches this point); the Max value represents the ending animation point (the object moves to the end of the path when the tag value reaches this point).

Reverse – reverts the movement from start-end to end-start

Moving along X-Y axis #

In this type of animation, you can set up movement along the X and Y axes.  Check the appropriate axis that you want to move your object along and fill in the required parameters.


Start by filling the Tag, Min, and Max values. Then fill in the length of the movement in pixels. If you would like to reverse the movement, check the Reverse checkbox.


  • Note: A typical use of the Move animation might be moving goods on a conveyor belt, etc.
